

Hi, I'm Ashley Bean!

Dogs have an exuberance and a zest for life that has drawn me to them my whole life. I've been a dog walker and dog sitter since age 9. My mom was allergic to most animals, so the best way to get my fix was to start caring for dogs belonging to neighbors and family friends. We moved around a lot as a family, and dog care helped center me. This continued through middle and high school, college, and throughout my adult life. 

My philosophy on dog care is based on the teachings of the Monks of New Skete, authors of How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend and The Art of Raising a Puppy. I approach dogs with kindness, patience, and straightforward guidance, with a few treats and plenty of hip scratches to keep the days fun and engaging! Our days are balanced between casual outdoor time, structured walks, playtime, meals, nap time and cuddle time: tired but not overworked. 

My family includes my partner, Jerry, our 4-year-old yellow lab, and our puppy, Tina, a german shepherd mix . We live on 5 acres in Missouri Heights, and our fenced yard is coming soon. Our dogs are very sweet and welcoming, and the baby does respect older dogs' space, thanks to her older sister's patient teachings!

Still living on in my heart are my orange tabby, Louie, a happy cuddle monster who taught me to love cats; the family guinea pigs (when pets were still permitted by the allergist) Hot Tamale, Burrito, and Chimichanga; and my yellow lab, Daisy, a long-time client who I adopted when her family had to give her up and who taught me a level of enthusiasm and joy I try to embody every day. 

Pets bring us so much happiness, and it is my goal to do everything possible to give that happiness back to our pets.